School Districts Plan to Make Up Snow Days

With snow days running out districts could soon have to cut into spring break.

With a string of winter storms hitting Connecticut, districts are adding days to the end of the school year, hoping they won't have to cut into spring break.

Manchester has already used six snow days. Now, rather than getting out on June 12, students will be in school through June 22, according to Supt. Matthew Geary.

"There are now three days to cover school cancellations for weather or other reasons – after that, any additional days will be taken from the April vacation, beginning with Friday," said Geary.

Vernon has used five snow days so far and will end the school year on June 17 rather than June 10, according to superintendent Dr. Mary Conway.

They have six days to go before cutting into spring break, she said.

"I'm hoping, with an 11-day window this year, that we won't have to go into April break but we have done it before and we've had to call teachers back from their own vacations in warmer climates," said Conway.

A tough winter piling up is forcing students, teachers, staff and parents to worry about spring and summer.

"It gets very hot and uncomfortable for our students. We have very few areas that are air conditioned, not that we're thinking about that right now, but I think that everyone will be ready at that point to go, but I hear we're getting more snow on Thursday," said Conway

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