School Security Committee Makes Recommendations

Members of special task force dealing with school security issues in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown have come up with their recommendations.

The school security committee of the legislatures Bi-Partisan Task Force on Gun Violence and Children's Safety is the first of three subcommittee's to detail its proposals.
NBC Connecticut has obtained a copy of the draft proposal which focuses on school infrastructure, emergency plans and personnel.
The consensus items include requiring school districts who apply for grants for new construction and renovation to meet a standard for security infrastructure in schools.
There's also a plan to allocate additional funds for school districts who apply for grants to improve security infrastructure in schools.
Some of the items eligible under the school construction grant, include:
- Reinforced entryway with ballistic glass
- Double door access with CCTV monitoring and computer controlled electronic locks
- Remote locks on all entrances and exits and a buzzer system
- Classroom doors with computer controlled locks
- Mobile emergency response buttons for designated school staff
- Cameras
The committee also recommends that schools develop safety plans in conjunction with local law enforcement as well as creating school safety committees and threat assessment teams.
"We want to make some strong statements on what should be done to secure and enhance school security," Sen. Toni Boucher, a co-chair of the subcommittee, said.
This is the first of three subcommittees to issue their recommendations.
Mental health and gun violence are still working.
The proposals now go before the entire task force.
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