Teachers Fight Layoffs, School Closings

With the chant of “save our schools” teachers in Norwich rallied in front of city hall. The proposed budget gives the school district no increase on their budget for the third year in a row and that will most likely mean cuts.

The board of education says that if the budget remains the same, 71 teachers will lose their jobs, two schools will be closed, and programs like foreign language classes will be canceled.

“These student’s can’t move any place. They’re stuck here,” said Bill Young, one of the teacher’s losing his job. “We’re going to have less services, and less chances for students to get the education they deserve.”

After the rally the crowd moved inside city hall for a public hearing. Teacher after teacher presented their case to the council, and demanded a change to their budget.

“They’re short changing education,” said Christine Winton, the Vice President of the Norwich Teacher’s League.

Charles Jaskiewicz is the chairman of the Norwich Board of Education. He says that he’d like to save the positions but as long as the budget remains the same, and there is a $1.8 million budget gap, there is no choice.

“It starts all the way at the federal government, to the state, all the way to the local end,” explained Jaskiewicz.

The city council will continue hearing from the public before making a final decision on the budget.

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