Security Upped in CT After Terror Plot Arrests

There's a renewed call for vigilance after the arrests of three terrorism suspects in Denver and New York. Terrorism experts are telling law enforcement to be on alert in places like hotels, stadiums, and commuter rail lines.
News of the arrests has reached New Haven rail commuters but most say the increased security measures haven’t come this far North. Still, they feel safe even those traveling into New York City.
“No matter where we go to travel there’s always going to be some matter of concern,” says Steve Hopkins, who like most of the commuters we spoke to at Union Station seemed unfazed by the latest headlines about the plot. 
Governor M. Jodi Rell announced Tuesday that because of the arrests, five State Police bomb-sniffing canine patrols will be added to commuter rail lines. 
In a statement, the MTA, the parent company of Metro-North says “while there is no credible threat to our system, we have increased police presence at key locations in light of the ongoing investigation."
A spokesperson wouldn't elaborate on where the key locations are or if New Haven's Union Station is one of them.
But some commuters say they haven’t noticed changes in security.  “I haven’t seen any police around nowhere. I haven’t seen any here (New Haven) I came from Stratford, haven’t seen anybody in Stratford,” says Roger of Stratford.
Still some changes are taking place, according to other riders like Vladimir Zajic.  “The crew is paying more attention to, like, unattended luggage.”
And while the trains aren’t overly patrolled yet, Zajik says other commuter systems are.  “I noticed more security on the ferry in Bridgeport.”
Upped patrols or not, riders say trains are their first choice.  “It’s much easier than sitting on I-95 waiting for roadwork,” explains Samantha Socci of Norwalk.

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