Snow Banks Narrow Roads, More Snow Coming

DPW in Cromwell work to clear the side streets of excess snow

While most towns are waiting for the next storm, workers in some towns are still cleaning up from Monday's snowstorm, and they're tired.

"Our guys have been working really hard, around the clock," said the public works director in Cromwell, Lou Spina. "Now that the snow's stopped we're re-widening the road, reclaiming the cul-de-sacs."

Dairy Lane is one such cul-de-sac workers handled to make room for emergency vehicles if need be.

Spina said if forecast storms don't blow out to sea drivers will be back out there.

"If they need to get off the road for an hour or an hour and a half we're not opposed to it," he said. "Once they get refreshed and got some food in their belly, warm socks on, we get 'em right back out there."

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