Snow monster

Snow Monster Visits Kids Enjoying Sledding, Tubing After Big Snowfall

With most kids off for a snow day on Tuesday, Snow Monster headed out to find families playing in the piles of snow.

Another snow day Tuesday, meant another day of clearing the driveway and keeping the kids entertained.

NBC Connecticut’s Snow Monster stopped by Granby and Simsbury where it has been six days since some kids have been at school.

But first, their parents had put in some work to get them out and onto the roads.

“Luckily my husband’s really good with the snow plow,” said Jenn Anderson from Granby.

Fran Olesen, whose lived in her Granby home for 14 years, took out the yard stick to see how much snow had accumulated overnight.

“It said 17 and a half inches! And I said you’ve got to be kidding me, I can’t believe it,” said Olesen, who said she’s never seen this much snow so early in the season.

After a morning of work, families in Granby hit the McLean Game Refuge with their sleds.

“It’s a beautiful day with lots of snow and the sun is shining,” Finja Behrens said. She’s originally from outside of Berlin, Germany, and said it doesn’t snow like this back at home.

Over at the Simsbury Farms Golf Course, dozens of families made the most of their snow day, too. They brought their tubes, sleds and even a wooden toboggan to the hill near the 9th hole of the golf course.

“It’s really fun because you just get to make these incredible giant jumps,” Anneke Iadma from Simsbury said.

“Sledding? That’s the best part of winter in my opinion,” Jane Escamilla said.

As fun as the snow has been, some parents are ready for class to be back in session.

“It’s been rough, it’s been a long 6 days. So we’re ready for them to go back to school. So whenever they want to open again would be great,” said Alice Scott, whose boys are 2 and 4 years old.

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