Manchester Soldier Surprises Son at Summer Camp

A young boy got the surprise pf a lifetime during a magic show at camp when his father came home earlier then expected.

A 9-year-old from Manchester got the surprise of his life today when his dad returned from a 13-month deployment and surprised him at summer camp.

Major Timothy Christensen is a member of the Army Reserves and has spent the past year in Afghanistan.

His first stop after flying into Bradley International Aiprot today: the YMCA's Science Detectives Camp in Ellington.

The children were watching the camp's annual magic show when 9-year-old Ethan was called up to help the magician. Some of the kids were handed hats, and Ethan was given his father's.

He didn't make the connection until the magician asked whose hat Ethan was wearing and the boy noticed his last name was spelled out across the front.

It was only then, when Ethan turned around, that he realized who was standing behind him. He jumped into his father's arms and didn't let go.

"That was the greatest feeling in the world," Christensen said, " to get to hug your son."

After the show, Ethan said he was excited to wrestle and have push-up contests with his dad, then ordered him down for 20 push ups and climbed onto his father's back.

It was a happy homecoming filled with laughter and tears. Christensen was recently awarded the Bronze Star and has just completed his third deployment.

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