Stabbing Suspect Appears in Court

Aaron Powell is accused of stabbing Michael Lieto to death in a dispute over a necklace.

Emotions ran high during the arraignment of Aaron Powell, the man charged in the stabbing death of 21-year-old Michael Lieto in East Haven.

Court marshals stood between Powell, 21, and Lieto's family during the court proceeding on Wednesday.

Powell is charged with manslaughter in the death of Lieto. According to police, Lieto and his brothers, Robert, 26, and Dion, 23, met Powell near 20 Maplevale Road in East Haven Tuesday. The brothers went to East Haven to retrieve a necklace belonging to Dion Lieto, according to court documents.

A fight broke out and that is when Powell allegedly pulled a knife and stabbed Michael and Robert Lieto. Powell is also accused of assaulting Dion Lieto.

When police arrived, they found Michael Lieto covered in blood. He was rushed to Yale-New Haven Hospital, where he later died. Robert Lieto was treated for his stab wounds and released.

Police arrested Powell and an unnamed 17-year-old shortly after the incident. Investigators said Powell admitted to the stabbing.

"I stabbed him. I shouldn't have done it, but I did. If I could take it back I would. It all happened over a stupid fake chain," Powell told police, according to court documents.

Lieto's family and friends gathered at a candlelight vigil on the East Haven Town Green Wednesday night.

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