State Insurance Commissioner Attends South Windsor Foundations Meeting

State Insurance Commissioner Attends South Windsor Foundations Meeting

People showed up a meeting in South Windsor to learn what's being done about crumbling home foundations.

A state investigation has concluded the problems are all linked to a mineral in the concrete called pyrrhotite.

“We’re talking about something that is devastating people’s lives, destroying the value of their homes, and their property,” said South Windsor's mayor Tom Delnicki.

Wednesday included the first time State Insurance Commissioner Katherine Wade met with homeowners at one of these events.

Her department handles people who are fighting their insurance companies.

“We have only received a handful of complaints,” said Wade.

Wednesday’s meeting sent a message far beyond the room.

Leaders urged people who suspect their foundation is in trouble to file a complaint with the state Department of Consumer Protection.

As of Wednesday night, 223 people have done that.

State leaders said the more people who are registered will help with the investigation into the problem and a possible solution.

“Not knowing if this is a ten million dollar problem or 100 million dollar problem, it’s hard. But I think we should do something at the state level,” said State Sen. Timothy Larson, the majority whip.

A state investigation is trying to figure out, besides the mineral, what else might possibly be causing this issue.

The results are expected in the fall.

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