A Trip To Remember

With smiles on their faces, University of Hartford students and their chaperones returned back home from Washington, D.C. Tuesday night.  They were there to see President Barack Obama sworn into office.
"Once he took the oath, we were just overcome with joy and happiness," said Matthew Blocker, one of the chaperones.
Their joy helped them overcome the winter weather and the hours of waiting to see the nation's first African American president.
"We only had a few hours of sleep, three hours.  Then we were up and at them at three this morning, in line at 4am with our ticket, so it was a long day, about 9 hours standing there, but it was amazing," said Blocker.
"It was cold.  They didn't say it was going to be under the mid-thirties, they said it was going to be in the mid-thirties, but it was a good part of history for me to see," added Imani Bumpus, a student from Capital Prep.
They were joined by more than a million others who were all there for the one purpose.
"Just seeing the crowds of people, it was intense, seeing how many people were there to watch that," said Kelly Cipriano, a University of Hartford student.
Each of them were touched by the message from the new commander in chief.
"Each person will take back a part of history, that's something they can tell their grandkids about," said Felecia Bumpus of Hartford.
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