Thea Digiammerino

Superheroes Visit Connecticut Children's Medical Center

Superheroes paid a visit to some very special kids at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center in Hartford on Friday.

When 5-year-old Daniella Cireillo waves to the superheroes out the hospital window, she forgets she’s hooked up to a machine and getting a blood transfusion.

“She just has a transfusion a week ago, so for her to come again and have this distract her a little bit, it’s really great,” said her mother, Nicole Cireillo.

Everyone, including the doctors and the nurses, dressed as superheroes for Superhero Day at Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

“It’s important to remind ourselves and our families that even though our kids, whatever their going through, if their sick, if their inpatient, that they’re still kids,” said Connecticut Children’s Medical Center’s Kelsea Portner.

Hartford police officers paid a visit wearing masks and capes.

“All of the enrichment that we do. All of the fun activities we do,” Portner said. “That helps heal the children just as much as the medicine does.”

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