Tears, Anger Over Wind Turbines

There was anger and tears of frustration from people inside Long River Middle School in Prospect, where the Connecticut Siting Council held a public hearing on proposed wind turbines.

"I hope and pray that you guys make the right decisions on these industrial turbines being so close to residential neighborhoods," said Sherrie Sargeant, of Prospect.

The proposal is for two 500-foot tall wind turbines on a 68-acre property on New Haven Road.  Those who live in the area are worried about potential health risks, the noise sounding like a jet engine outside their homes and the impact the turbines could have on property values. 

"This guy, he want to ruin my property and my life," said Luigi Demagistris, whose property is next door to the proposed site.

"We are fighting for our rights as homeowners.  We are fighting for our peace, our quiet and our tranquility that we have earned," Karen Dunn, of Prospect, said.

However, there are also those who want to see Prospect promote renewable energy.

"I'm really hoping to see wind projects here in Connecticut, so we can invest in our children's future, both economically and environmentally," Debra Hankey, of Prospect, said.

Officials from BNE Energy, the company proposing the turbines, said New Haven Road is the best place to do just that.  It has done a number of studies to ensure that the turbines won't harm the neighborhoods or the environment.

"I live in the town of Prospect, so not only is it the soccer field with our kids where we get the thumbs up or church, St. Anthony's across the street, we just always see people who are excited about the project," Greg Zupkus, President and CEO of BNE Energy, said.

There will be another public hearing on Thursday at 6:30 p.m. at Long River Middle School. The Connecticut Siting Council will be making a decision in early May.

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