Tenant Considers Lawsuit Against Bristol Landlord

Family with recovering infant, relocated after eviction upset with new housing provided by landlord

One of many Bristol residents evicted from a home owned by a landlord under fire for buildings he owns in town not kept up to code is considering filing a lawsuit against him.

Last week, tenants who lived in a home on Ingraham Place were evicted by the city because the back porch was deemed unsafe. As repairs are being made to it the tenants were all placed in hotels. But one tenant, Samantha Lamb said Cammererie won’t place her and her son in an appropriate hotel room – one recommended by the hospital after the infant came out of surgery.

That is why she is considering filing a lawsuit against him.

Lamb and her son Joshua were released from Connecticut Children’s Medical Center after the 3-month-old came out from having surgery on his head. Lamb hoped to have her son’s recovery at her home on Ingraham Place only to find out she’d be evicted the next day and placed in a hotel for at least a month.

“I would be able to solely focus on my son right now if it wasn’t for Anthony[Cammererie] and his lack of taking responsibility as a property manager,” Said Lamb.

Cammeriere is Lamb’s landlord. He’s facing criminal charges related to not fixing some of his properties.

Lamb says an e-mail was sent to Cammererie from Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. The Social Worker’s statement reads: “Your landlord needs to house your family in a hotel room that is not only large enough for your son’s crib, but also clean enough for him to heal properly post-operatively.”

“My son’s crib will not fit in this room we took the measurements and if we tried to stuff my son’s crib in this room, we wouldn’t even be able to walk around in it.” Said Lamb.

With Joshua’s recovery on the line, she’s asking Cammererie to stop ignoring calls from her and the hospital.

"And I have to fight with him just to get him to provide bare necessities," she said. "It’s pathetic."

Calls made to Cammererie were unsuccessful.

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