“Today ” Show Features Danbury Mayor's Playful Twitterstorm on Snowdays

As snow has been all over the national headlines on the East coast this winter, a funny flurry of tweets from Danbury Mayor Mark Boughton also got some national attention in a spot on "The Today Show" Saturday.

Known as @MayorMark on Twitter for his knack at humorous tweeting, the mayor created a playful Twitterstorm about whether or not Danbury Public Schools would be delayed or canceled amid a string of snowstorms.

It all started when he tweeted on Tuesday, March 3, "BTW Danbury Public Schools are..." Talk about a cliff hanger. Then, "Attention: Danbury Public Schools will #whoopthereitis" and "Danbury students be like:" and a photo of a pouting baby.

As students and parents waited eagerly to find out if Danbury Public Schools would have delayed openings due to the weather, they took notice of his taunting tweets and wrote back to him. 

And it also caught the attention of the "The Today Show," which featured the humorous Twitter exchanges between the mayor and the kids Saturday on a segment about trending content on social media.

"Nothing better than to engage our young residents in some light heartened back and forth about school closings - honored the Today Show shared the tweets to the world," Mayor Boughton said in written statement he released to NBC Connecticut.

One resident pleaded with him for a snow day.

"@MayorMark our lord and savior mayor mark please save the students from having to traverse the harsh icy roads," @BearzUnlimited tweeted with a meme of Michelangelo's "The Creation of Adam" Sistine Chapel fresco with "Sorry We're Closed" written across it and a picture of the mayor's face.

So, naturally, the mayor's next move was to tweet that some schools would be closed. Well, West Beverly Hills High School, which he hashtagged #90210, and Dillon High School, hashtagged #FridayNightLights. And he also tweeted that Sunnydale High School From "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" was on a two-hour delay, hashtagging #buffy.

After that, he faced his Twitter followers and gave them the truth Frank Underwood style, tweeting a photo of Kevin Spacey in "House of Cards" and the message, "School is on..#sorrybeliebers #nostayingathomeandlisteningonedirectionallday."

Or not. Because his next tweet was "Alright, alright enough!! Schools ar," prompting @_haleeyycoless to tweet "@MayorMark why do u hurt me."

The next day, on Wednesday, March 4, he tweeted that Danbury schools would have a two-hour delay.

One student's response? A photo with a kid's hand on his head saying "I can't."

Will the Twitter taunting continue? Who knows. But Boughton leaves us with this.

"I had no idea that so many people would enjoy my tweets, but, glad I could add some humor to peoples lives as we all deal with a difficult winter," Boughton said. "Only 11 days, 20 hours, 38 minutes, 26 seconds till spring. #oneluv."

Click here to read the full exchange on Mayor Mark's Twitter page.

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