
Over $1 Million Raised During This Year's HuskyTHON Event

NBC Connecticut

A picture from the 2021 HuskyTHON event.

Over $1 million was raised for the kids and families at Connecticut Children's Medical Center during this year's HuskyTHON event.

Over 2,500 students danced both virtually and in-person to celebrate the year-long fundraising effort.

The exact total amount raised was $1,052,534.21, according to HuskyTHON's Twitter.

"You’ve pursued miracles in the face of adversity, pushed boundaries farther than we thought was possible and shown us that imagination knows no limit. We could not be any more proud of HuskyTHON 2021," the post read.

Sunday marked the last day of the annual HuskyTHON dance marathon. The festivities wrapped up at around 7 p.m.

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