
Tracking COVID: Federal Government Releases New Data on Pandemic Response

NBC Universal, Inc.

The federal government is now sharing data its compiled during the pandemic on states’ responses to the crisis.

The state of Connecticut shares a large set of COVID-19 data on a regular basis. Now the Biden administration has just begun releasing state and county level Covid data that the White House had been compiling since the pandemic began.

The federal data is not necessarily different from the data the state shares, but compiles information from all the states in one place.  It’s updated weekly, and in some cases, just presented differently.

For one thing, you can get a specific snapshot of how much of a supply hospitals in our state have of personal protective equipment (PPE), down to the particular piece of equipment.

As of early February, roughly half of Connecticut hospitals had more than a month’s supply of everything from N95 masks, to gloves, and other supplies.

Karl Minges, chair of health administration and policy at the University of New Haven, said he believes this data will help both health care professionals and the public.

“I think the key here is the visualizations and the way it’s communicated,” Minges said.

The state profile reports from the feds also allow you to look a month back to see how we’re doing in metrics including COVID-19 test positivity rates, and deaths.

“It helps us to determine what trends will look like during the next peak, what areas are likely to turn bright red sooner than other areas,” Minges added.

For example, compare this month to last in positivity rates, and you can see Connecticut improved quite a bit.

Deaths, on the other hand, have gone up a little.

This newly released federal data also gives you state by state comparisons on some of those same metrics like positivity rates and deaths.

The data being shared by the White House is supplied by the states, compiled by the Centers For Disease Control (CDC), and released weekly. 

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