
UConn mascot ‘testifies' on why Siberian Husky should be the official state dog

Jonathan XV

State lawmakers are considering making the Siberian Husky the official state dog and UConn’s mascot, Jonathan XV, is all for it.

He made an appearance – a virtual one – Friday as the Government Administration and Elections Committee discussed the bill that would also make the lollipop the official state candy.

Jonathan XV, a purebred Siberian Husky, and his handlers took part in the hearing to support designating the Siberian Husky as Connecticut’s State Dog, according to UConn.

Laura Centanni, a student, delivered testimony on behalf of Jonathan XV.

UConn said the school has had Husky dogs as mascots for more than 90 years, and Jonathan XV became the latest in that line last Sunday with a “Changing of the Collar” at Gampel Pavilion.

The hearing started at 10:30 a.m.

Here is the testimony:

Jonathan I, who was named after Connecticut’s first Governor, Jonathan Trumbull, arrived on campus in 1935 when we were known as Connecticut State College and had just begun awarding bachelor’s degrees two years earlier. Four years later, this very General Assembly approved a bill that changed the name of our institution to the University of Connecticut. Since then, UConn has experienced exponential growth, helping to fuel our state’s economy and serving as a source of pride for so many soaring to #9 in the Wall Street Journal Rankings of public universities and winning 23 NCAA national championships since 1981. 

Fourteen Huskies like me presided over the exciting history of the University of Connecticut, and while it’s a great responsibility, I am excited to be the next iteration of a symbol that unites our state and energizes Nutmeggers nationwide!

Obviously being one myself, one could certainly accuse me of bias when championing the traits of a Siberian Husky. But words such as friendly, gentle, alert, outgoing, dignified, and intelligent are all characteristics used to describe Siberian Huskies like me by the American Kennel Club. Sure, the word mischievous appears a time or two but there is fine line between mischievous and a dog who likes to have some fun!

Thank you again for the opportunity to provide testimony today. I would be happy to answer questions if I could, but please know that it would be a great honor to me and my Siberian Husky brethren to be designated as our great state’s official dog. 

Go Huskies!

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