Vets Honored – Kids Schooled

Tens of thousands of Americans are home from work Tuesday to honor our nation's veterans.  But that's not the case for many Connecticut students.  Several schools across the state have made the decision to keep kids in class.

Paula Mozzicato, a teacher in Berlin, said it's a wise decision. She can teach her students something they can't learn by watching a parade or celebrations on television, she said.

It's quite the debate between parents. 

Some agree with Mozzicato, saying children should be learning about the sacrifices of veterans through educational programs.  Others argue keeping kids in school on a holiday normally observed sends the wrong message to veterans.

The one thing they all agree on - whether the children are in school or at home - is that it should be a day of education and appreciation when it comes to the sacrifices made for the freedom of the United States.

Schools are also in session in Berlin, Bloomfield, East Lyme and South Windsor.

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