Water Company Impostors Target 2 Homes on Same Street in Darien

Police are warning Darien residents of water company impostors who gained access to the homes of two elderly residents on the same street within a week of each other.

The first incident happened around 6:30 p.m. July 16. Police said two men claiming to be water company workers entered the home of an elderly resident on Hollow Tree Ridge Road without permission.

Once inside, they started turning on faucets around the house. The resident asked them to leave, and they ran out without taking anything. Police said the men met up with an accomplice outside the house and left the area.

Imposters again targeted Hollow Tree Ridge Road around 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, according to police. One of the culprits distracted the elderly homeowner while the other stole items from the second floor of the home.

Police are asking homeowners to be alert and report any information to detectives by calling 203-662-5330.

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