Gun Group Fight Weston's Proposed Assault Weapon Ban

One Connecticut town is considering its own ban on assault weapons, as well as additional weapons restrictions, and a guns right group is fighting it, saying the town is exceeding its constitutional rights.

Weston is located about 20 miles away from Newtown and 20 days after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School, selectmen embarked on a discussion about assault weapons ordinances.

Selectman Dennis Tracey told NPR that the proposed ordinance bans assault weapons and automatic weapons, “as well as high-capacity magazines, which are not appropriate in our town for sporting purposes."

"Second, it requires safe and secure storage of weapons when they're not being used. And third, it requires the registration of all firearms in town," he told the radio network. 

The ordinance would require that guns be stored in a box made of steel or a similar material and the penalty would be $500 per violation.

The Connecticut Citizens Defense League is speaking against the proposal, complaining that it would give the chief of police sole discretion to deny any person a “Permit for Ownership” without cause. 

"The town of Weston is claiming to have powers that far exceed the constitution's (sic) of both the state of Connecticut, and the U.S. Constitution. Law abiding citizens that choose to exercise their rights are now being disenfranchised from owning firearms and other shooting devices. This is but another knee jerk and opportunistic excuse for law makers to punish Law Abiding citizens, and impose more gun control. An ordinance of this type, that becomes municipal code, will more than likely be met by lawsuits. Hopefully the town of Weston will drop this proposal altogether and avoid unnecessary litigation," CCDL president Scott Wilson said in a statement. 

The Daily Voice reports that the selectman would revise the ordinance based on response from the public and they will hold a public hearing.  


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