Wimpy Swine Flu Vaccine Recalled

With flu season in full swing, Sanofi Pasteur is recalling a shipment of the H1N1 flu vaccine that was distributed throughout the country, with many does being shipped right here to Connecticut. 

A spokesperson for the company says that the problem was discovered during routine testing after the vaccines were shipped around the country.  The problem with the vaccine is that there is a lack of potency, which affects how well your immune system can fight off the virus.  There is no safety concern for people who have gotten the vaccine.

The State of Connecticut has received 11,360 doses of that vaccine that have been distributed throughout 72 providers in the state. 
This recall stems from a previous recall last month, when the Pennsylvania distributor had to recall 800,000 doses of the vaccine for children between the ages of 6 and 35 months old. 

They were also found to be under the pre-specified limit for potency, meaning that the vaccine wouldn’t be powerful enough to fight off the disease after long exposure.

The seasonal flu vaccine, which prevents against a wide variety of flu strains, is still widely available. People are still suggested to get both flu vaccines that are available, which would be the best way to get the maximum protection against all types of flu.

Children under 2 years old, people over the age of 65, and people who have chronic medical conditions are recommended to get both flu shots to prevent against complications of the flu.

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