Power Restored at Yale After Transformer Issue

Power has been restored at Yale after an United Illuminating electrical transformer issue caused outages at many buildings on the central and science campuses Saturday.

The grid serviced by the electrical transformer lost electricity, but other Yale buildings outside that grid did not lose power, according to Yale officials.

The Yale Facilities Operations staff is working with the power company to restore power. United Illuminating was "rerouting power from other feeders to restore the electrical power for buildings effected by the service interruption," according to Yale officials.

The university said in an email sent to the school community at 12:37 p.m. that the university's Central Power Plant worked to restore the power at the university buildings in the afternoon. The United Illuminating outage map on its website indicated that there were no power outages in New Haven as of 2:12 p.m. and Yale officials confirmed that power has been restored.

"Chilled water and steam will be restored on a building by building case within approximately two hours," the message from Yale at 12:37 p.m. to the school community said.

Anyone with questions can contact the university's Facilities Operations Service Center at 203-432-6888.

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