Yale Murder Case Is Focus of E! Special

E! is known for dishing on celeb relationships, movies and other entertainment-type news, but E! is broadcasting hard news through E! Investigates,” and tonight's episode will focus on the Annie Le murder at Yale. 

The is called "Crime on Campus" and will focus, in part, on the graduate student slaying, the New Haven Register reports, and it will feature an interview with the editor of the Yale Daily News and New Haven's police chief. 

Executive producer Suzanne Ross says the show will also probe the Northern Illinois University massacre in 2008; the case of a 19-year-old who died of a drug overdose at San Diego State University; and a UC-Berkeley rape case that led to other victims coming forward.

“We look at all aspects of the cases, the sexual aspects, the victims, drugs, alcohol, and we expand out to wider issues. These are secluded environments and sometimes students feel they’re not vulnerable. ... They may have a false sense of security on campus”, Ross told the Register.

Ross said the show does not just sensationalize the crimes, but also  tries to get “behind the headlines, up close and personal to make it a little more real” in cases that may or may not have an entertainment connection.

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