Yankees Have the Most Fans: Facebook

Any Connecticut resident can tell you that this is a divided baseball state.

The closer you live to Boston, the more likely you are to be a Red Sox fan. The same goes for proximity to New York and Yankees fandom.

Well, Facebook created a color-coded map based on which official Facebook team page has the most likes from people who live in that county and they found the Yankees have the most fans by county in the U.S.

(The Red Sox also have a pretty spread out fan base.)

Earlier this month, a Quinnipiac University Poll found that 42 percent of Connecticut cheers on the Yankees, 38 percent like the Red Sox and 8 percent of fans cheer for the New York Mets.

Something Mets fans will not be pleased to know is that there are no U.S. counties where a plurality of fans like the New York Mets. The same goes for the Toronto Blue Jays and Oakland Athletics.
While we consider Connecticut to be divided, Facebook says Louisiana and Nebraska are the most divided states.

Do you agree with Facebook’s findings? What team do you follow?

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