Mom of Triplets Died from Bleeding: Coroner

A Shelton woman was found dead in her home on Tuesday after giving birth to triplets. No one knew she was pregnant and she bled to death, according to police and the medical examiner. The babies were also dead when police arrived.  

Victoria Hope, 26, went through a full-term pregnancy with triplets, but denied ever being pregnant. Along the way, she made up excuses for putting on weight, her parents told police. Whether she even knew that she was carrying triplets is not known.

Victoria's mother, Frances Hope, found her and the babies and called police, according to the Associated Press.

Hope lived in her parents’ home with her husband, and her children – a 6-year-old son, and a 2-year-old daughter, who was asleep in her crib when Hope died.

Hope’s father, William Hope, described his daughter as being “big,” and her mother said she did have suspicions that her daughter was pregnant. Hope’s father said he cannot think of why his daughter would hide her pregnancy.

"That's going to be the question we'll never have an answer for,” he said.  

Shelton police detective, Ben Trabka, said foul play is not suspected.

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