Top Baby Names of 2014: Sophia and Jackson

Once again for another year, the name Sophia for girls, and Jackson for boys, continues to top the rankings of most popular baby names, according to BabyCenter’s Top 100 Baby Names of 2014.

This list is based on the names of over 400,000 babies born in 2014 that were registered on the BabyCenter website, reported.

An official U.S. government list comes out in the spring. The top names in 2013, according last year's government list compiled from Social Security applications, were Noah for boys and Sophia for girls.

BabyCenter found in their survey that nearly 20 percent of moms said TV-show characters inspired their choices, and 16 percent said that they looked up to celebrities for baby name ideas.

Names drawn from popular Netflix shows included Galina, Nicky, and Piper from “Orange Is the New Black,” and Frank and Claire from “House of Cards.”

The name Elsa from the popular Disney flick "Frozen" continued to be a favorite for parents.

Also big this year were “destination names” like Everest, Verona, and Bronx.

Here are BabyCenter’s top baby names for 2014. Did your kid's name make the list?

BabyCenter’s most popular names for girls:
1. Sophia
2. Emma
3. Olivia
4. Ava
5. Isabella
6. Mia
7. Zoe
8. Lily
9. Emily
10. Madelyn

BabyCenter’s most popular names for boys:
1. Jackson
2. Aiden
3. Liam
4. Lucas
5. Noah
6. Mason
7. Ethan
8. Caden
9. Jacob
10. Logan

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