Mugshots of Stanford Swimmer Emerge After Months of Requests

Brock Turner, 20, was sentenced to six months in prison, a sentence many decried as being too lenient

After months of requests, authorities have finally released two mugshots of a former Stanford University swimmer who was convicted in March of sexually assaulting an unconscious, intoxicated woman on campus, NBC News reported.

Brock Turner, 20, was sentenced to six months in prison in connection with the January 2015 assault. Many decried the sentence as being too lenient.

The sheriff's office had said it was Stanford's place to release Turner's mugshots, but Stanford maintained it was the sheriff's job.

The photos were made public Monday after a filmmaker and freelance journalist in Michigan published her formal request to Stanford authorities rebutting their reasons for withholding the mugshots.

Resentment toward the news media, which, until Monday, had never published Turner's mugshot, sparked the #NoMugShot hashtag on Twitter and Instagram.

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