Kasich: Gay People ‘Probably' Born That Way

Kasich said he doesn't believe in discrimination

Ohio Gov. John Kasich on Friday distanced himself from discriminatory laws passed recently by some states and said some people are "probably" born gay during a heated exchange with a man challenging the Republican Party’s stance on gay rights.

During a town hall-style event hosted by the Commonwealth Club of California, a 62-year-old San Francisco resident, who said he came out to his parents at age 19, asked Kasich if he believes people are born gay.

"You know Sir, probably," the governor replied. "I don’t know how it all works. Are they? In all probability they are. Okay?"

Kasich told the audience member he doesn't believe in discrimination but said "there is a balance, however, between discrimination and people’s religious liberties."

"But I think we should just try to...relax and try to get along with one another a little bit better instead of trying to write some law to solve a problem that doesn’t quite frankly exist in big enough numbers to justify more lawmaking,” he added.

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