The Week in Web: No-Eye-Contact Glasses, Lego Jesus, Cilantro Porn…

… and other web finds people were buzzing about this week. Bonus: Rupert Everett's new face!

  • What do you do when your gorillas attack people who make eye contact with them? If you're the Rotterdam Zoo, you start passing out these "no eye-contact" glasses that are going to give us terrifying Dutch cartoon nightmares. For real.
  • Did you hear? Amazonian ants are the world's first species to do away with males entirely. It's an all-lady party, and they breed through cloning. Also, their bathrooms are much cleaner now.
  • Some people think cilantro tastes like kitchen cleanser. And then some people love it so much they create a blog called "F*** Yeah Cilantro," featuring "gratuitous cilantro porn," and enlisting followers for the "cilantro army."
  • Which cult leader should you follow? From Steve Jobs to Charles Manson, a handy quiz matches you up with the mind-trapping cult figure who's right for you. (First question: Favorite food?)
  • Ladies, you can help yourself to seconds: Scientists have found that men really do find non-skinny chicks attractive. Thanks, science!
  • Finally, a life-sized Jesus statue made entirely of Lego!
  • Actor Rupert Everett had a teensy bit of work done on his face. Really, you can hardly tell. And debuting his new face on Martha Stewart's show wasn't awkward at all.
  • This lady made herself a dress out of tax forms (mostly Child and Dependent Care 1040As, for that lovely pink hue).
  • Good God, somebody rounded up the scariest photos of Carrot Top.
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