WikiLeaks Posts Alleged Democratic Voicemails on Day Three of DNC

The leak appeared to have been timed to cause maximum embarrassment for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

WikiLeaks posted 14 minutes of audio of what it claimed were hacked voicemail messages from top Democratic officials Wednesday, NBC News reported.

The audio was released just before Vice President Joe Biden and President Barack Obama addressed the Democratic National Convention.

The leaded audio appears to mirror some of the more than 19,000 hacked Democratic National Committee email messages that have been published in the last week. Information in some of those messages led to the ouster of DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange said last week that more leaks are in the works to damage Clinton.

The FBI said it had no comment on the alleged voicemails, telling NBC News on Wednesday that it continues to investigate the hacking. 

The FBI said it had no comment on the alleged voicemails, telling NBC News Wednesday that it continues to investigate the hacking. 

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