
Esty Battles Greenberg in 5th District

Rep. Elizabeth Esty is fighting off a familiar opponent from the Republican side in her race to retain Connecticut’s fifth congressional seat.

Esty says that even though she’s a Democrat, she’s managed to find ways to gravitate toward the more moderate and conservative voters in her district.

“I come from a Republican town in Cheshire,” Esty said. “Most of the voters in this district don’t like either party. They’re looking for the folks who can be effective by them. It’s not a party’s party or for that matter. They want to see what you’re getting done. They don’t care what the letter is after your name.”

GOP opponent Mark Greenberg is looking to unseat Esty. Greenberg, who has worked in real estate for most of his professional life, is running for the seat for the third time.

He says the economic conditions in Connecticut just haven’t picked up that way they have in neighboring states.

“It was the economy in 2010 and it was the economy in 2012 and it’s the economy now,” Greenberg said. “Frankly, this state is not recovered from the 2008 depression, I call it: recession-depression.”

The Connecticut 5th District encompasses primarily western parts of the state all the way to the New York State border. Included is Newtown, the site of one of the worst mass shootings in American history.

Esty’s term in Congress started just days after the Sandy Hook shooting. She says the tragedy helped to shape her views on guns and gun control.

“I want background checks for all sales. All commercial sales will help save lives," Esty said. "So will making it a federal crime for trafficking, purchasing something in someone else’s name. Those are the issues that law enforcement has flagged for us.”

Greenberg, however, takes a different look at how the issues of guns and school safety should be handled.

He says Connecticut residents and American citizens have the right to bear arms in responsible ways. Greenberg says the Constitution grants Americans the right to possess guns and that there are other ways to ensure that schools and the general public are kept safe.

“I think the most important thing that we have to deal with is the mental health issue. We have to make sure people that have mental health issues do not possess guns. That they cannot get their hands on them,” Greenberg said.

Voters will have the ultimate choice on which candidate they want to represent them on election day.

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