Vote. Get Free Stuff.

Oh, the place you'll go with an "I voted" sticker and an empty stomach.

As if participating in the process of furthering democracy weren't enough, your "I voted" sticker becomes quite valuable Tuesday as corporate chains and local businesses are trying to cash in on election fever.

Among the "pork barrel" incentives:

  • At Starbucks, simply saying that you voted earns you a tall (aka, small) brewed coffee on Tuesday.
    In their marketing, they ask, "What if we all cared enough" to vote, all 100 percent of us? Which leads us to think, "What if they don't brew enough?" 
  • Later in the afternoon, bring your "I voted" sticker to your local Ben & Jerry's Scoop Shop. They're giving away a free scoop, in exchange for your sticker, from 5-8 p.m. Tuesday. Limit one per customer.
  • Similar deal at Krispy Kreme. Star-shaped donuts all around.
  • Some cities and towns are encouraging you to vote by offering you a free lift. Charlottesville, VA is making all the election day bus service free!
  • While you're in the South, find one of the 85 branches of Shane's Rib Shack where your "I voted" sticker is worth a Vote America Meal -- three chicken tenders, french fries and 20-ounce drink! (Their slogan is "It's gonna get messy". Let's hope that only refers to the food - not a recount.) 
  • Hey Moms... We found some discounted and free babysitting. No, your child doesn't join the Palin family or the Obama girls for the day. The idea is to register with using a discounted code.
  • Want your slacker friends to join you in free stuff, but think they'll need a friendly reminder? Send a free (and sometimes off-color) e-card from
  • Finally, if you happen to find yourself near Kirksville, Missouri on Tuesday, swing by Dyed Hyed Tattoo and Body Piercing for a piercing. Just ask for "Flash". 

For all of these offers, you don't have to vote one way or the other. You just have to vote. Simple enough, and in some cases, a delicious return on little investment!

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