Joba Chamberlain Busted for DUI, Which Should Make Lil' Stein Pretty Happy

Your first thought on hearing "Joba Chamberlain got busted for driving under the influence" might be: "How in the mess do you get a DUI in New York, jerkstore?"

Excellent question. Turns out the Yankees aren't playing right now, so Joba is back in Nebraska, and he's boozing and cruising. And getting caught doing it. From LoHud:

Deborah Collins, a spokeswoman for the Nebraska State Patrol, said that the 23-year-old Chamberlain was pulled over after being observed speeding in a 2006 BMW 750i shortly after 1 a.m. on U.S. 77.

Chamberlain was arrested after an odor of alcohol was detected and an open container of alcohol was observed on the front passenger seat. Chamberlain was taken to the Cornhusker Place Detox and booked on charges of driving under the influence, having an open container of alcohol and speeding.

I'd kind of like to know what sort of BAC he had, because frankly, I think it would be pretty awesome if we could just raise the limits for athletes. They are, after all celebrities.

Just kidding. But in serious news, you would have to think that Hank Steinbrenner and the Yankees organization is going to be pretty freaking upset about this little incident. You would also think that Joba would be smart enough to hire a driver (I really don't get why professional athletes don't do that). And it's a definite that with the Yanks out of the playoffs and the Red Sox somehow trying to get back in the Series, this will be blown out of proportion.

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