Adelbrook's 11th Annual Taste of Cromwell

Adelbrook’s 11th Annual Taste of Cromwell is making some changes this year.

It’s outgrown its previous venue, the Holy Apostles College and Seminary, and has moved to the Courtyard Marriott ballroom, according to a press release from the organizers. Head over on Friday, Oct. 17 for food and wine tasting and a silent auction.

Tickets are $30 or $50 for two when purhcased in advance. You can buy tickets at the door for $35. Champagne-tasting tickets are also available.

If you’re interested in attending Taste of Cromwell, one of Adelbrook’s largest events of the year, or donating to or sponsoring the event, contact Sharon Graves at 860-635-6010 ext. 327 or at

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