Fill Those Drums


  • 4 Large turkey drumsticks
  • 1 Bag stuffing
  • 1/2 Cup dry cranberries
  • 1 Cup apple sauce
  • 1 Stick butter
  • 1/4 Cup olive oil
  • 2 Tbsp. honey
  • 2 Cans cream of mushroom soup


  1.  Heat oven to: 325° convection or 350° regular
  2. Roll down skin on drumsticks
  3. Mix stuffing, dry cranberries, apple sauce and 1/2 stick butter
  4. Stuff and roll skin back up drumsticks
  5. Use remaining butter (1/2 stick) to butter baking dish
  6. Put stuffed drums in baking dish and cover with olive oil and cream of mushroom soup
  7. Roast about 1.5 hrs or until the bone is clear
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