New Britain

Students Return to Full-time In-Person Learning in New Britain

NBC Universal, Inc.

New Britain schools are welcoming students back to full-time in-person learning for the remainder of the school year.

The Consolidated School District of New Britain brought students back full-time for in-person learning on Thursday.

Students in grades K-8 will attend five days a week in person, with an early dismissal every Wednesday. New Britain High School and Satellite Careers Academy students will be in-person four days a week and fully remote on Wednesdays.

Parents we spoke with were thrilled to have their kids back in school.

“I think it’s very awesome. I’m glad he got to experience part of first grade. At home it’s been good, but he likes having friends and every day is a good day at school he says,” said Casey Sullivan, a parent of a first grade student.

“Coming back full time, yea, excited. I can go back to work during the day and not at night,” said Tameka Spencer, a parent of a first grade student.

Saudimar Soto dropped off her son, who is in 8th grade. She said she thinks he will do better academically now that he’s back learning in person and having face-to-face time with his teacher. She said she is also less concerned about COVID.

“I’m confident that he’s back in school. I trust the school, I trust the staff,” said Soto.

Superintendent Nancy Sarra said the district waited to bring students back full-time until the staff had the opportunity to get vaccinated. Now that they have, they can focus not only on the physical well-being of students, but on their emotional well-being.

“We know the development of young adults and that need to be with one another, so we’re taking these next seven weeks to really reintegrate. The focus is on reconnecting, reengaging, and making school a joyful place to be,” said Sarra.

With the latest news that the FDA could approve the Pfizer vaccine for those ages 12-15, Soto says it’ll give another layer of protection to her 13-year-old son.

“I’m a pharmacy tech so I truly believe in vaccinations and I’m waiting for it to come out so he can be protected as well,” said Soto.

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