Survey Gives Metro-North a C or D

A commuter survey on Metro-North is in and most people who took part in it gave Metro-North a C or D.

Commuter Action Group conducted the survey to capture how commuters felt after several problems on the tracks.

They said 642 people responded and said they have no illusions of this being scientific or a representative sampling.


Most people think Metro-North’s service now is about the same as it was a few months ago or is getting worse and they blame management of the train service.

When asked what the biggest problems commuters face, they said late or delayed trains or lack of seating.

While many said they are not happy, most said they feel safe traveling on Metro-North, at 55.49 percent, while 29.47 percent said they are not sure.

Of the people who took part in the survey, most said they have never filed a complaint, while several who said they did complained saw nothing done about it.

Earlier this month, Marjorie Anders, a spokesperson for Metro-North, released a statement about the survey.

"Metro-North conducts its own annual, scientific, randomized and extremely thorough customer survey. We will continue to do so. We also have numerous ways for customers to contact us throughout the year, in person, by phone, by mail, by email, by social media. We value their input." 

She also said Metro-North values all input including this latest survey.

The rail service has been conducting its own informal meetings, during which commuters can raise questions and concerns and make suggestions to management.

The meeting are part of the Metro-North president Joseph Giulietti's 100-day plan.

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