
Foodshare Collects Turkeys for 20th Annual Turkey Tuesday Food Drive

Foodshare kicked off its 20th annual Turkey Tuesday food drive in Hartford on Tuesday.

Foodshare kicked off its 20th annual Turkey Tuesday food drive in Hartford on Tuesday.

They hope to help thousands of local families have a happier Thanksgiving by collecting as many turkeys as possible.

The organization’s goal is to serve the more than 100,000 people who are food insecure in Hartford and Tolland counties.

“I came from not a wealthy family, but we at least had food. We didn't have to decide 'Ok, is it food this week or is it medicine or is rent or is it electricity?' We didn't have that, so I try to do what I can," volunteer Sue Drodinski said.

Turkeys and other food items were collected at City Place on 185 Aslyum Street in Hartford between 6 a.m. and 9 a.m.

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