Fields that were undergoing sampling for possible contamination in Fairfield are now back open.
More than a dozen town field and park sites were shut down in early August while awaiting those soil testing results. First selectmen Mike Tetreau said all of the fields tested by the Board of Education and the town have come back safe and determined by the state Department of Health and state Department of Energy and Environmental Protection.
In a statement Tetreau said: “The word is now getting out that the few people on social media that have bene calling our fields toxic and hazardous are wrong. All the experts are saying those terms are inaccurate and misleading. I will say using those terms is scaring our kids and hurting our town. Fairfield now has the most tested and safest fields of any town in the state.”
The testing was prompted by contamination concerns raised after an investigation revealed Public Works employees allowed aggregate material, meant for industrial commercial use like under roadways, to be used at recreational areas.
For more information on the fill use issues, click here.