Thea Digiammerino

Summer Fun in the Summer Sun: Keeping Safe in the Heat

With temperatures feeling like triple digits this weekend, people are looking for ways to stay cool during their summer fun.

The blazing sun is weighing heavy on both adults and kids.

Plenty of families are hitting the water to try and beat the scorching temperatures and high humidity this weekend.

Overexertion is a concern for many families who visit the Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park.

The water destination has more than 27 acres of water and offers dozens of activities like ziplining, and blow-up water slides.

The heat tends to take away from the non-stop fun.

Rachel Charles has two children and says safety comes first.

"If anyone gets tired, we always tell them to come in and take a rest,” said Charles. “I’m always looking for ways to keep my kids safe.”

Charles says it’s all about finding a balance.

"This is the best place to be in the summer and in the hot water because they're in the water all the time,” said Charles.

Dozens of camps are stopping by the park to enjoy all the fun like Middlebury Parks and Recreation.

“We meet up a couple of times during the day,” said Debbie Boesell. “We’re also making sure our campers are drinking the water that they brought with them.”

Sean Hayes is the CEO of Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park and offered a few tips to beat the heat.

"Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate, no soda, we always try to stay away from the sodas,” said Hayes. “We suggest, stay in the water, stay out of the heat.”

Lake Compounce is another premier destination for families.

Margaret Kazmierczak decided to take a trip to the park and battled the sun throughout the day.

“As soon as we got here, it was super-hot,” said Kazmierczak. “Sometimes it is difficult to wait out in the heat when there’s no shade to try and get on a ride.”

Kazmierczak says she likes to take advantage of Lake Compounce’s free water fountains.

“We like to prepare our water before we get in line,” said Kazmierczak. “We like to fill up before any of us start to feel light-headed.”

Whether people are enjoying the water park or the theme park, Compouce wants to ensure everyone is protected against heat exhaustion and dehydration.

Jerry Brick is the general manager at Lake Compounce’s and says preventative measures are in place for those who feel like the heat is just too much.

“We have sprinkles that we will set up in the mean part of the park,” said Brick. “Our visitors always have the option to walk through them and cool down.”

Sky Avila also decided to visit Lake Compounce with his family.

Avila makes sure to carry around a jug of water and makes sure his kids are constantly taking sips.

“We like to make sure everyone has liquids in their system to avoid any dehydration,” said Avila. “We always encourage everyone to pay attention to their bodies and if they feel dizzy to take a break from the fun.”

Lake Compounce has seven water filling stations for families.

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