United States

Bad Egg? Parents Complain About Hatchimal Defects

A statement from the company that makes the popular toy cited its "high level of technology" as a reason it may sometimes "not perform as expected"

Hatchimals were the hottest item of the holiday season, but with some parents complaining they took hours to hatch, the toy may not be all it's cracked up to be, CNBC reported.

The interactive toy from Spin Master hatches from a plastic egg, but some parents took to Twitter to say it took hours for their kids' Hatchimals to hatch, if they did at all, and that batteries weren't lasting long.

The toy retails for about $50 but sold for upward of $250 on eBay prior to the holidays.

Spin Master urged customers on Twitter to direct message the company for assistance or to contact its customer service number, and released a statement to NBC10 Philadelphia apologizing for any defective toys: "Unfortunately, with toys that incorporate a high level of technology, there are also some cases where the product may not perform as expected."

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