
Fire Officials Remind Residents to Clear Snow from Hydrants

Parts of Eastern Connecticut experienced over 20 inches of snow and the cleanup continues.

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With nearly 2 feet of snow on the ground in parts of the state, fire officials want to make sure fire hydrants aren’t buried under piles of snow.

Following Saturday's blizzard 1500 fire hydrants across the City of Norwich were covered in over 20 inches of snow. Both the public and firefighters have worked hard to clear the majority of those hydrants though there is still work to be done.

Fire departments in Eastern Connecticut are urging residents and businesses that have a fire hydrant in front of their property to clear the snow around it.

City of Norwich Fire Department Lieutenant Stephen Fricke says, "Fighting fire is really about time, it's about time to call 911, time to get a staffed engine out the door, time to get water on the fire, the more you can compress the time the more likely you're going to get a positive outcome. You don't want the fire department looking for a fire hydrant when your house is on fire. If you dig a fire hydrant out maybe you will save your neighbors house and or save a local business, it's really just common sense to try and get the fire out quicker.

Fire officials recommended clearing 6 feet around the hydrant in every direction. That may not be possible in some locations so whatever can be cleared can be extremely beneficial.

Another round of wintry weather is possible by the end of the week which could make the snow even more challenging to move.

Stay with NBC Connecticut and the First Alert Weather Team for updates.

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