NBC CT Responds

What is NBC CT Responds?

NBC CT Responds' mission is to respond to every consumer complaint, recoup viewers' hard-earned cash, and empower them to be savvy consumers.

NBC Universal, Inc.

NBC CT Responds’ mission is to respond to every consumer complaint, recoup viewers’ hard-earned cash, and empower them to be savvy consumers.

If you watch NBC Connecticut, you’re likely hearing more and more reports from our NBC CT Responds team.

We’ve always had a team solving your consumer problems behind the scenes, but now, once again, we have a reporter assigned to tell your important stories.

NBC CT Responds newest consumer reporter is Caitlin Burchill.

So, what can she and the rest of the team can do for you?

If you have a consumer issue and you’ve tried to work with the company or business owner or whomever to resolve it, but you aren’t getting anywhere, NBC CT Responds is here to help.

Not only can we assist you with your complaints, but we work together with other NBC and Telemundo TV stations, who have consumer teams like ours all over the country.

We were created to help people like you who feel wronged and don’t know who to turn to.

Since 2014, all stations combined have recovered more than $60 million for our viewers.

Perhaps, we can help you get back money you are owed through an online purchase, a faulty appliance or warranty not honored, for example.

Just the week of October 10, all teams helped viewers recoup more than $175,000.

Specifically, in our state, NBC CT Responds has helped viewers get more than $700,000 back into their pockets since our team began in 2016.

But it’s not just about the money.

Sometimes you may just need important information or referrals to help navigate your consumer issue, like after a natural disaster.

NBC CT Responds wants to pass those details along to you. 

We also share warnings about scams, recalled products, or investigations into shady companies or shoddy products.

NBC and Telemundo teams work together to identify consumer trends and share information to help those of you who live in our community.

We can’t guarantee we can help resolve every problem, but NBC CT Responds guarantees to respond to every one of your inquiries.

Live in Connecticut? Click here to submit a complaint in English. Click here to submit a complaint in Spanish to our sister station Telemundo Nueva Inglaterra.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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