West Nile Found in Orange

Mosquitoes have tested positive in Bridgeport, and now Orange

Moe West Nile Virus has been found in Connecticut.

Mosquitoes trapped in Orange have tested positive for the virus, according to the State Mosquito Management Program.

"The identification of mosquitoes infected with West Nile virus in Orange, after previously being found in Bridgeport, suggests that the virus is increasing in southern Connecticut" Department of Public Health Commissioner Dr. Jewel Mullen said.

No people have become ill from the virus this season.

The state's chief entomologist, Theodore Andreadis, is predicting an usually heavy mosquito season this summer because of a wet spring and the heavy snowfall during the winter.

"We encourage residents and visitors throughout Connecticut to take steps to prevent mosquito bites," said Mullen.

For more information on how to prevent getting bitten by mosquitoes, visit the state mosquito management program Web site.

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