
Allegations against Hartford officers ‘unfounded' in handling of Rep. Khan assault: report

Hartford Police released the findings of an Internal Affairs investigation regarding the police response to the assault on State Rep. Maryam Khan last June.

NBC Universal, Inc.

Rep. Maryam Khan (D-Hartford) was attacked outside the XL Center by Andrey Desmond while leaving a Muslim prayer service on June 28, 2023.

Desmond pleaded guilty to charges in connection with the attack last month.

In the weeks following the attack, Rep. Khan publicly criticized Hartford Police for how they handled the incident.

“I am going to call on our Department of Justice to do an investigation into how the City of Hartford’s police department responds to violent crimes, especially violent crimes on women,” Rep. Khan said in July of 2023. “When I came there was no ambulance. There was no one there to provide me medical attention. I asked for them to call for medical attention, which then they did.”

But police body cam footage reveals that police initially asked Rep. Khan if she needed an ambulance, to which she originally said “I don’t think so,” before asking for an evaluation.

The report adds that medical aid arrived on scene nine minutes after the call for service.

“In that moment, where it wasn’t post-trauma, it was still, I was in that moment, I was asked to even ID the person right there,” Rep. Khan said last July.

Body cam video reveals that the Desmond was detained in the back of a police cruiser when police asked Rep. Khan to identify him. 

The footage also reveals an officer telling Rep. Khan, “at any point if you feel uncomfortable and don’t want to, no problem whatsoever.”

Based on the investigation, Hartford police ultimately deemed the neglect of duty allegations to be unfounded.

They say they have not been notified of any investigation by the Department of Justice.

One officer, however, is being recommended to receive re-training in report writing to make sure all relevant information regarding an incident is properly documented.

Rep. Khan released a statement in response to the report on Friday:

"As an elected Representative for the city of Hartford, it is my duty to ensure that all citizens feel safe and protected, and that includes addressing any gaps in security protocols. I would be neglecting this responsibility if I did not tell the truth about my experience from this traumatic event, including the mismanagement of my case.

It may have been lost in the coverage of the Hartford Police’s press release but I was assaulted in front of my children outside a religious celebration - it was an incredibly traumatic event. I strongly believe that cases of assault and sexual violence against women must be handled in a manner that protects the privacy and rights of the victim and urge all media outlets to exercise the utmost discretion and compassion in releasing any footage relating to my assault and that of my children.

Despite my unanswered FOIA request from nearly a year ago, I have not seen all the footage nor the internal report. Thus, I will not comment on the report directly.

Last July, I requested to work with the Hartford Police department on this matter through the Mayor’s office but was disappointed that my request was not met. My initial comments were not intended to disparage the entire police department but were meant to highlight specific concerns regarding the adequacy of security and safety measures in place during the unfortunate incident I experienced and the reporting of the incident afterwards. I stand by my account and believe that open dialogue and transparency are essential in moving forward.

Despite my disappointment in the way that my case has been publicly addressed, I remain committed to working collaboratively with the Hartford Police Department and the City of Hartford to enhance public safety. I look forward to working with the new chief of Hartford Police to ensure that the department has the tools and training necessary to effectively help crime victims and investigate crimes."

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