Black ice, slippery roads and fog caused problems on the morning commute on Monday morning.
There were crashes in Torrington and New Hartford along Routes 8 and 202 due to slippery roads. DOT crews were called to sand the roads.
A North Carolina man died after a car he was a passenger in crashed overnight on Route 8 north. It's unknown if weather was a factor, but DOT crews responded.
A school bus crashed and rolled over on its side on Interstate 384 west in Manchester. There were no students aboard and its unknown if the driver was injured. It's unknown whether the road conditions were a factor, but Department of Transportation officials were treating the road. It was the second crash of the morning there within minutes of the first.
Scattered fog reduced visibility in parts of the state, particularly on the I-84 corridor between Danbury and Union, as well as over the Thames under the Gold Star Bridge in Groton and over the Housatonic River and under the Sikorsky Bridge between Stratford and Milford. There were delays on I-84 in Waterbury after a two-car crash near exit 25A, which has since been cleared from the highway.
Tolland County faced subfreezing temperatures, conditions that produced some black ice in areas of the state.
The Chester-Hadlyme Ferry is closed Monday due to mechanical problems and the Rocky Hill-Glastonbury Ferry is also closed because of flooding, according to the DOT.