Athletic Supporters Come Together to Help Community During Time of Need

NBC Universal, Inc.

The Hartford Athletic’s first supporters group, the 19th Regiment, is refocusing their passion to lend a helping hand. They started a t-shirt drive to raise money for Foodshare.

The 19th Regiment’s tagline is “Hold the Line” and they are living by that during these challenging times.

“When it became clear there was going to be a big economic impact, we wanted to do something to help the community,” said Vice President of the 19th Regiment Pete Carcia. “Everybody is all coming together for a common cause to make sure that everybody is doing alright. If that isn’t a tight knit family on Easter weekend, then I don’t know what is.”

So far they have raised $570 and the fundraiser will continue through April 12. More information can be found at their Facebook page.

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