
UConn Scientists Update Local Leaders on Crumbling Concrete Research

The team at UConn has been looking into the crumbling concrete crisis for the past year.

NBC Connecticut

The University of Connecticut offered on Thursday a sneak peek of a year’s worth of research on our state’s crumbling concrete crisis.

UConn scientists told members of the Capital Region Council of Governments Ad Hoc Working Committee on Crumbling Foundations that they have a method to determine the amount of the naturally occurring mineral that causes basement walls to crack.

A team of scientists from Trinity College also developed a way to measure the mineral, known as pyrrhotite.

The UConn team said it also may be able to test the concrete using a handheld device, instead of getting more expensive, cylindrical, core samples of concrete.

The UConn studies also determined basements will crack more rapidly if exposed to moisture, and it may help if homeowners find ways to direct water away from their homes.

The UConn team will give a formal briefing on what they’ve learned in the coming months.

NBC Connecticut Investigates exposed our state’s problem with crumbling concrete basements more than four and a half years ago. Hundreds of homeowners in our state have come forward saying they have the issue.

Most insurance companies will not cover claims to fix the basements.

The repairs, which most often require homes to be lifted up and have their concrete basements replaced, cost upwards of $140,000, depending on the size of the house.

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