B is for Broker

A few weeks ago I went to an indescript little office building in West Hartford Center really early in the morning. My task was to sit in front of a computer for up to 3 hours and pass 2 multiple choice tests. The room was about 90 degrees so that sped me along a little bit. Forty seven minutes later I received the good news from the glowing screen “Congratulations. You have PASSED the Connecticut State portion of the Real Estate Broker’s Exam.” and “Congratulations. You have PASSED the National portion of the Real Estate Exam.”

Thank goodness. All of the time I spent studying interesting facts like “What is the potential fine and prison term for impersonating a licensed appraiser?” actually paid off and now I can open my own real estate firm, if I so choose. (The answer to the question is $1,000 and 6 months, if you’re interested- so don’t go impersonating an appraiser!)

So what exactly does this mean? Well, I am now a licensed Real Estate Broker in Connecticut. Right now I still work for Mr. Bill as an independent contractor and he backs my license. But at any point I can choose to open my own office and hire people to work for me, if I like.

Some people don’t understand why I went through the step of getting my broker’s license if I’m just going to continue working under a different broker. The answer is options. You can never have too many of them when it comes to a career, particularly in an industry that is in such a state of flux…

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