New Haven

Boys & Girls Club of New Haven After-School Program to Remain Open

There is an agreement to continue supervised, after-school programming for children at the Boys & Girls Club of New Haven, city officials and organization officials said Friday.

The program was scheduled to close Friday.  

Thursday night, a plan was put in place to send children to a nearby school instead. Now, the mayor said they won't need that plan, because they're secured enough funding to keep the program running.

"Emergency resources were identified to alleviate for these families what would have otherwise been nothing short of a child care emergency," Harp said.

Executive Director Stephanie Barnes said The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven expedited a three-year grant of $125,0000 and the club received the first distribution Friday.

Families depending on this after-school program are now relieved.

"People were angry at one time," explained Cassi Young, a parent who uses the Boys & Girls Club. "The children were sad, crying and everything but right now we’re happy."

Community leaders in New Haven said this is just the first step and more needs to be done to ensure sustainability.

"We have to continue to support our families. We cannot let this happen again," said Dr. Iline Tracey, interim superintendent of New Haven Public Schools.

Looking to the future, Barnes said there will be fundraising efforts and asked for alumni of this program for support. Today, those associated with this community are happy the doors will not be closed.

"We’re relieved now, that no one will be left behind. That after school programs will go forward," said Hon. Rob C. Hurt, the alder who represents Ward 3 where the Boys & Girls Club is located.

Among the questions asked Friday was why families were given such short notice. A board member spoke and explained, in the past they’ve had similar situations but a late financial contribution usually came through. He explained the situation had never reached this level of concern before. 

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